I Got a "Hit and Run" Thank You-ing

I got a thank you call at the office this afternoon from a woman who is part of the Central Valley Professionals Job Club. It felt like a friendly "hit and run" because she identified herself, thanked me, told me how encouraged she was by me and then she was done. The whole thing took maybe two minutes. Out of the blue. How nice was that.

I speak at CVP once a month to encourage the job seekers to get themselves out there and network. Since it's a discouraging time to be unemployed, I try to be as energetic as possible. I'm also not afraid to be a little silly and make them laugh. And of course, I try to give them the mostly usefully helpful information possible while encouraging them as much as I can.

Sometimes even I feel a little disheartened at seeing some of the same faces each month. I like seeing them, just not in this context.

So the phone call was validation and a little return on investment. She told me that she appreciated my encouragement. It helped her keep going. She just knew that she would be finding a job soon.

I know she will, too, with that attitude.

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